Lift Cargo Transport srl has been established in 2010
The company owner and personnel employed operated in the off-shore and on-shore handling and lifting discipline for over 25 years.
LCT ha acquisito l’area Yard Marina di Melilli, di circa 162.000 mq, completa di ufficie e servita da banchina.
LCT has acquired the Yard area located in “ Marina di Melilli” ( Siracusa, Italy): 162,000 square meters about, complete with offices and served by a suitable quay. In the Yard “ Marina di Melilli” , since 1985, several projects have been erected, completed and shipped such as jackets and modules for off-shore industry, on-shore modular systems, harbor lifting equipment such as Ship-To-Shore cranes, RTG, RMG. LCT staff has worked at the Yard “Marina di Melilli “ since its opening.
The wide and reliable technical experience matured since 25 years is now made available to the customer.